

FOUNDER & Clinical Director

Hi, I’m Doria!

Hi, I’m Doria!

I founded The Loom on the principle that healthy relationships and a sense of connection are the necessary foundation for building a happy, healthy life. I studied at Columbia University and since being in the field for over a decade, I have continued with many post-graduate certifications and trainings to be able to offer the best and most well-researched therapeutic techniques. I combine those trainings with my deep understanding of the significance of relationships and connectivity to offer therapy that is transformational. My philosophy on therapy is based on the power of introspection, understanding our relationships with others, and the knowledge that we all have the capacity to make changes in our lives.
My top goal is supporting clients in developing deep, meaningful connections that lead to happier and more fulfilling lives. My expertise lies in helping clients and couples tackle the barriers that interfere with our abilities to connect and be understood.
My belief is that my role as a therapist is to help you explore yourself in the setting of a safe, compassionate, and non-judgmental environment. I will help you understand yourself better in the context of all of your relationships both past and present, and we will work together to help you make the changes you seek in life. Most importantly, I want to help you find a sense of peace in becoming your most authentic self. I decided to become a therapist in large part because therapy has made such a profound difference in my life, and I feel incredibly lucky that I get to pay that forward to you.

Trainings and Workshops

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